Samsara: The Cycle of Life
To understand the nature of our existence, we begin with understanding the twelve links of dependent origination that determine the form and path of our life as it unfolds. Those who can contemplate these twelve links will fully understand the causes of suffering as well as the path from suffering to liberation.

The Twelve Links of Being or 12 Nidanas are a detailed expression of the Buddhist concept of causality;
a scheme of causes and effects forming the cycle of life and death — samsara.

Do not be ready, just be.
Dinner Photos
Inspiro chef's table
29 February 2024
Dinner Menu
✧⠀Avijjā / Ignorance
✧⠀Sankhārā / Formative (Karmic) Forces
✧⠀Viññāṇa / Consciousness
✧⠀Nāmarūpa / Name-and-Form (Psychological and Physical)
✧⠀Saḷāyatana / Six Sense Bases
✧⠀Phassa / Contact
✧⠀Vedanā / Feeling
✧⠀Taṇha / Craving
✧⠀Upādāna / Clinging
✧⠀Bhāva / Becoming
✧⠀Jāti / Birth
✧⠀Jarā / Aging and Marana / Death
Samsara: The Cycle of Life
To understand the nature of our existence, we begin with understanding the twelve links of dependent origination that determine the form and path of our life as it unfolds. Those who can contemplate these twelve links will fully understand the causes of suffering as well as the path from suffering to liberation.

The Twelve Links of Being or 12 Nidanas are a detailed expression of the Buddhist concept of causality; a scheme of causes and effects forming the cycle of life and death — samsara.

Do not be ready, just be.
Dinner Photos
Inspiro chef's table
29 February 2024
Dinner Menu
  • Avijjā / Ignorance

  • Sankhārā / Formative (Karmic) Forces

  • Viññāṇa / Consciousness

  • Nāmarūpa / Name-and-Form (Psychological and Physical)

  • Saḷāyatana / Six Sense Bases

  • Phassa / Contact

  • Vedanā / Feeling

  • Taṇha / Craving

  • Upādāna / Clinging

  • Bhāva / Becoming

  • Jāti / Birth

  • Jarā / Aging and Marana / Death
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